Steps for stopping the sass --watch function on a specific folder

Successfully got my SASS up and running with the help of fantastic documentation available everywhere. The guide I followed was

sass --watch myfolder/css

Running a specific command worked like a charm, enabling every change in .scss files to be compiled into fully packaged and minified .css files. Excellent!

However, after installing the phpStorm IDE which comes equipped with built-in file watchers for SASS, jsUglify, etc., there is no longer a need for SASS to run its own watches within a designated directory. This has also led to some issues when syncing changes from other developers, causing errors due to relative paths in SCSS file inputs.

This setup not only drains CPU resources but also results in frequent errors.

In short, I needed to disable/remove the separate watcher I set up on Mac OSX via terminal, but despite thorough searches through Google and the documentation, I couldn't find a solution.

Answer №1

It appears that there are a few issues that need to be addressed here.

First and foremost, let's tackle the workflow problem which seems to be the simplest to resolve. It seems like you might be facing challenges when it comes to syncing with other developers in your team. It is important to note that working on the same branch as another developer can lead to unexpected complications. If you are using version control like GitHub Desktop, consider switching to a more transparent platform such as Git Kraken or utilizing the command line for better control over push/pull actions. Avoiding simultaneous work on the same branch is advisable to prevent conflicts.

Now, let's address the issue regarding Sass watchers. By default, Sass does not have built-in watch functionality unless specifically enabled by running the sass command with the watch flag. If that is not the case, it suggests there may be something else monitoring and re-compiling the Sass behind the scenes without your knowledge.

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