Initiating CSS3 animations when the display changes

In an attempt to incorporate CSS3 animations for fading elements in during page load, I am faced with the challenge of setting the element to display: none; and then back to display: block;.

My goal is to exclusively apply the CSS3 animation upon the initial loading of the element, without relying on changes in display property. Is there a way to achieve this without necessitating JavaScript to track the completion of the animation? You can view my JS Fiddle demo here.

Answer №1

To maintain the existing markup, consider using the CSS visibility property. Simply toggle between hidden and visible on the element with the class .hover-hide.

Check out the updated fiddle here.

(This method works well when the elements are absolutely positioned. Without absolute positioning, using visibility: hidden; may not achieve the desired effect as it preserves the space taken up by the element, unlike display: none; which completely removes it from view.)

Answer №2

Enclose all elements in a container and apply a CSS fade effect to it before toggling the visibility of individual elements, just like you're currently doing:

<div class="container">
  <div id="hover-hide" class="fade fade-in" style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background:blue; display:block; position: absolute; top:0; left:0">  </div>
  <div id="hover-show" style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background:red; display:none; position: absolute; top:0; left:0"></div>

Check out the updated fiddle for reference.

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