In my development environment, the page does not have scroll functionality, but in the production environment, it is scrollable

Whenever I open a table or any other element with overflowing content, I encounter an issue with the scrolling bar. Even though the CSS includes overflow-y: scroll;, the scroll bar on the right remains in gray and does not allow me to scroll down when the table expands due to loading 50-100 devices on the test environment. Strangely, this problem does not occur on my production environment where the scroll bar functions as expected. I have not made any recent style changes to the html, body, or table components which could explain this discrepancy. You can see the difference in behavior between the test and prod environments in the following screenshots:

'Test' Environment:

'Prod' Environment:

I attempted to solve the issue by removing the overflow property from the html altogether and setting overflow-y: auto; for the body. However, this caused another problem where the 'LOGOUT' button remained misplaced within the left-side navigation when scrolled to the bottom. While setting a vh height for the table with proper overflow might be a solution, it would require restructuring the pagination layout which is currently pre-built using Vuetify library components. My primary goal is to identify the root cause of this issue since no relevant styling changes have been made recently.

Below is the code snippet:

        <remove-dialog ref="removeDialog" @refresh="fetchDevices"></remove-dialog>
        <add-dialog ref="addDialog" @refresh="fetchDevices"></add-dialog>

        <v-card-title class="mb-4">
            <v-btn color="success" @click="addDevice" outlined small>
                {{ $t('action.addNew') }}
            <div>{{ `You have ${devicesLeft} available devices to make ` }}</div>

            <template v-slot:[`item.connectedItems`]="{ item }">
                <a @click="goToConnectedItems(item.connectedItems)">{{ item.connectedItems.length }}</a>
            <template v-slot:[`item.lastConnection`]="{ item }">
                <span v-if="item.lastConnection">{{ item.lastConnection | moment('from', 'now') }}</span>
                <span v-else>n/a</span>
            <template v-slot:[`item.actions`]="{ item }">
                <v-tooltip top>
                    <template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
                        <v-btn color="primary" v-bind="attrs" v-on="on" @click="editDevice(item)" icon>
                    <span>{{ $t('action.edit') }}</span>
                <v-tooltip top>
                    <template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
                        <v-btn color="error" v-bind="attrs" v-on="on" @click="removeDevice(item)" icon>
                    <span>{{ $t('action.delete') }}</span>

No specific styles have been applied to this component.

Answer №1

I have been experimenting with back-testing the features I've implemented and finally pinpointed the issue - it's the Ionic framework and its CSS styling causing the problem. As I am using some Ionic components for a dialog preview, I included them in my code like this:

<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script nomodule src=""></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

The ionic.bundle.css file is causing the body overflow to be hidden, preventing scrolling. I tried isolating this CSS by injecting it directly into the specific component where I use Ionic components with <style scoped>. Surprisingly, it still affected the body element. So, I set out to identify which specific style rules were causing havoc on my page.

To tackle this, instead of loading the entire 'bundle' of styles, I decided to load the Ionic CSS files individually starting with the essential one - core.css. After that, I added additional optional styles such as normalize.css, structure.css, and typography.css one by one. Eventually, I discovered that structure.css was the culprit setting overflow: hidden on the body element. By selectively including only the necessary CSS files, I managed to fix the scrolling issue and ensure my font appeared correctly:

<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script nomodule src=""></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

#ionic #ionic-vue

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