Step-by-step guide to positioning an iframe with 'transform:scale' on the left side

Recently, I encountered an issue with an iframe in my project. Initially, without any 'transform:scale' css applied, it displayed on the top-left side of the div as expected. However, after adding


to its css properties, the iframe automatically scaled itself to the center, which was not the desired outcome.

If you want to take a closer look at the issue, feel free to check out my JSFiddle link here: JS Fiddle link

Answer №1

To properly position your iframe, make sure to specify a transform-origin property in your CSS code, like this:

-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;

If you don't set a value for transform-origin, the default is 50% 50%, causing the iframe to appear centered within your div.

For reference, check out this updated fiddle with all necessary prefix versions included.

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