Conceal an absolutely positioned element outside its relatively positioned parent

I have a relative position parent element,

<div style="position:relative" id="a">

and within that div, I'm creating some absolute positioned elements using jQuery,

<div style="position:absolute;right:0" id="b">

These elements are animated by jQuery from right:0 to right:999, but I would like it so that when the "b" div goes beyond its parent, it hides or preferably removes the div.

Answer №1

To conceal div b with div a, apply the CSS property overflow: hidden;

<div style="position:relative;overflow: hidden;" id="a">

Answer №2

Adjust the parent element by setting overflow: hidden.

Alternatively, you can create an animation effect for the "b" element where it fades out with opacity: 0 once it reaches the edge.

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