Step-by-step guide on triggering a button using another button

I have a unique question that sets it apart from others because I am looking to activate the button, not just fire it. Here is my syntax:

      background-color: green;
      background-color: yellow;
  background-color: yellow;
<script src=""></script>
<button id="first_btn">
    <button id="second_btn">

Essentially, when the second button is clicked, I want the first button to be activated and its color changed to yellow as if the first button itself was clicked.

Check out the jsFiddle version here: click here

Can you assist me in identifying what I might be missing?

Answer №1


Looks like there are some mistakes in your code: - the selector #button does not match any element in your DOM - by adding the class 'active', make sure to target it correctly in your CSS. Also, switch ':' for '.' as a class selector.{
  background-color: yellow;

Give it a shot and let me know if you need further assistance ;)


This may not be the most optimal solution but it could work for what you're trying to achieve:

  }, 100);

In this code snippet, I am setting an 'activate' class (changing the button color to yellow) and then toggling that class back after a brief delay of 0.1 seconds.

What do you think of this approach?

Answer №2

One way to achieve a simulated button click effect is by replicating the actions of the first button on the second button.

  $("#first_button").on("click", function(){
   $("#first_button").on("mouseup", function(){

If you want the second button to actually trigger a "click" event after adding or removing the class, you can use event chaining.

Answer №3

The element you should be changing the class for is incorrect. Update $('#btn') to $('#first_btn'):


Additionally, consider using a more general class name, like the following:

.active {
  background-color: yellow;

Answer №4

To apply styles to a specific class, follow this format:{ // not :active
    background-color: yellow;

If you want to programmatically simulate a click on the first button, use something similar to this:


Answer №5

It seems like there was a mistake in the jsFiddle code where the jQuery selector for the first button was incorrect, but it looks correct in your question here, so I'll overlook that.

The issue here is that you are applying a css class, but your CSS styles are actually specifying the :active state of the button, not a class. You can keep that styling and simply add the .active class to make your CSS code as follows:

#first_btn:active, {
  background-color: yellow;

By adding the class instead of replacing the state (:active), you will cover both scenarios - when directly clicking the first_btn and when clicking the second_btn.

Answer №6


This code snippet triggers a click event on the second button when clicked, then adds an 'active' class to the first button to change its background color to yellow.

Make sure to set up a handler for the first button click event in order to handle it appropriately.

In the provided fiddle version, there is a mistake in assigning the active class to the wrong ID. Remember to also trigger a click event for the first button to ensure proper functionality.

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