Step-by-step guide on clipping a path from an image and adjusting the brightness of the remaining unclipped area

Struggling to use clip-path to create a QR code scanner effect on an image. I've tried multiple approaches but can't seem to get it right. Here's what I'm aiming for:

I want to clip a square shape from the image and slightly dim the unclipped part. However, when I apply the clip path, this is what I end up with:

Is there a proper way to achieve this effect? Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Could you review the code below? We've attempted one solution in the hopes that it will work for your situation.

Utilize the image div as a background and then position it relative. Afterwards, create a pseudo-element before of the parent div positioned with respect to the parent div (the image div) and apply a box-shadow to it. Don't forget to set the parent div to overflow hidden.

You can find more details at this link:

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