Spotting the top-tier class amidst the rest using jQuery - a guide

There is a single link containing various div classes:

<a class='div1 otherdiv alignleft'>Link</a>

I want to extract the first class of this link and store it in a variable. How can I achieve this without knowing the specific name of the first class?

Since the name of the first div class may vary, I cannot declare a fixed variable like var firstdiv = div1

Is there a way to retrieve the name of the first class and save it in a variable for later use in a function? For example:

var firstdiv = ('a').first();

Then utilize this variable in a function:

    // my function

How can I accurately identify the name of the initial div within the a tag?

Answer №2

It's as easy as pie! Check out this helpful code snippet

HTML Code Sample

<div id="bla" class="div1 another align test">Content</div>

jQuery Script

    alert($(this).attr('class').split(" ")[0]);

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