Specifying Size of Icons in HTML and CSS

Displayed in the image below are 3 icons - 2 of them are the same size, while one (on the left) appears larger and uneven compared to the other two.

This snippet demonstrates the HTML code related to this section:

  <article class="number">
                          <div class="number__illu" style="margin-top: -33px">
                             <picture class="picture picture--no-background" style="padding-bottom: 146.875%"><img src="assets/images/svg/location-pointer.svg"></picture>
                          <p>Part 1</p>

                       <article class="number">
                          <div class="number__illu" style="margin-bottom: -10px">
                             <picture class="picture picture--no-background" style="padding-bottom: 125.35%"><img src="assets/images/svg/world.svg"></picture>
                          <p>Part 2</p>

                       <article class="number">
                          <div class="number__illu" style="margin-top: 14px">
                             <picture class="picture picture--no-background"><img src="assets/images/svg/users.svg"></picture>
                          <p>Part 3</p>

Below is the corresponding CSS code:

.about__section__numbers .number {
margin: 30px auto;
text-align: center

.about__section__numbers .number__illu {
max-width: 100px;
margin: 0 auto 10px

I'm puzzled as to why the icon on the left side is presented larger than the other two.

Answer №1

Each element has unique padding and margins hard-coded, which may be hindering your troubleshooting efforts. Removing these could help streamline the process.

To visualize proper box sizing, consider using a debug style like *{ outline: 1px solid red; }.

Another option is to experiment with display:inline-block for elements like pictures and images.

Answer №2

The reason for the inconsistency in size is due to the varying proportions of the images. One solution is to set a fixed pixel height to ensure uniformity.

Alternatively, you could extend the white space on the larger icon to match the native width of the others, creating a consistent appearance.

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