Span element not found using xpath

Recently updated the outer html and encountered a new error. It appears that the element was identified but failed to be clicked on.

My script fails at the element below. I have attempted various methods to reconstruct the xpath, but the robot continues to fail due to DOM invalidity.

Original element:

<div class="ant-select SearchPrompter_advInput__3P9Jf ant-select-multiple ant-select-allow-clear ant-select-show-search">
<div class="ant-select-selector">
    <div class="ant-select-selection-overflow">
        <div class="ant-select-selection-overflow-item ant-select-selection-overflow-item-suffix" style="opacity: 1;">
            <div class="ant-select-selection-search" style="width: 3px;">
                <input autocomplete="off" type="search" class="ant-select-selection-search-input" role="combobox" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-owns="rc_select_2_list" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-controls="rc_select_2_list" aria-activedescendant="rc_select_2_list_0" value="" id="rc_select_2" style="opacity: 0;" aria-expanded="false" readonly="" unselectable="on">
                    <span class="ant-select-selection-search-mirror" aria-hidden="true">&nbsp;</span>
        <span class="ant-select-selection-placeholder">Select Source(s)</span>


*** Settings ***
Library    Browser
Library    OperatingSystem
Resource   ../Resources/BrowserParameters.robot
Resource   ../Resources/BrowserResources.robot
Resource   ../Resources/BrowserCustomKeywords.robot

#Select Browser: chromium or firefox
Test Setup      Test Setup    Browser=chromium
Test Teardown   Test Teardown

*** Test Cases ***
   Click     //span[contains(@class,'ant-select-selection-placeholder') and contains(text(),'Select Source(s)')]


Message:    TimeoutError: Timeout 10000ms exceeded.
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for selector "//span[contains(@class,'ant-select-selection-placeholder') and contains(text(),'Select Source(s)')] >> nth=0"
  selector resolved to hidden <span class="ant-select-selection-placeholder">Select Source(s)</span>
attempting click action
  waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
    element is not stable - waiting...
  element is visible, enabled and stable
  scrolling into view if needed
  done scrolling
  checking that element receives pointer events at (1080.4,304.7)
  <div class="ant-select-selection-overflow">…</div> intercepts pointer events
retrying click action, attempt #1
  waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
  element is visible, enabled and stable
  scrolling into view if needed
  done scrolling
  checking that element receives pointer events at (1080.4,304.7)
    [ Message content over the limit has been removed. ]
  element is visible, enabled and stable
  scrolling into view if needed
  done scrolling
  checking that element receives pointer events at (1080.4,304.7)
  <div class="ant-select-selection-overflow">…</div> intercepts pointer events

By using this code, I am able to access the field and see the list being displayed. However, there are two fields in the form that use the same xpath. The robot accesses the first field, but I actually want it to go to the next field.

Click     //div[@class="ant-select SearchPrompter_advInput__3P9Jf ant-select-multiple ant-select-allow-clear ant-select-show-search"]

Answer №1

You need to update your Xpath query from

//span[@class=""ant-select-selection-placeholder">Select Source(s)"]




//span[@class="ant-select-selection-placeholder" and (text()="Select Source(s)")]

Answer №2

This error message...

Error: The function encountered a DOMException error, specifically 'Failed to execute 'evaluate' on 'Document': The string './/span[@class=""ant-select-selection-placeholder">Select Source(s)"]' is not a valid XPath expression.

...indicates that the XPath you used is not a valid expression.

You need to make two small adjustments:

  • The value of the class attribute should be enclosed in single quotes, like this: "value"
  • Select Source(s) is the inner text, so you should refer to it as text.


You can use either of the following Locator Strategies:

  • xpath 1:

    //span[@class='ant-select-selection-placeholder' and starts-with(., 'Select Source')]
  • xpath 2:

    //span[@class='ant-select-selection-placeholder' and contains(., 'Select Source')]

Answer №3

Kindly utilize the xpath provided below

//span[contains(@class,'ant-select-selection-placeholder') and contains(text(),'Select Source(s)')]


//span[contains(@class,'ant-select-selection-placeholder') and starts-with(text(),'Select Source')]

Ensure to inspect the dev tools (Google Chrome) to confirm if there is a distinct entry in the HTML DOM.

Instructions to verify:

Press F12 in Chrome -> navigate to element section -> perform a CTRL + F -> then paste the xpath and observe if your targeted element is highlighted with 1/1 matching node.

If there is 1/1 matching node, please ensure that :

  1. This div is not within an iframe.
  2. This div is not within a shadow-root.
  3. You are not within a new tab/window opened by selenium.

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