Spacing is missing between Months and Years in the Bootstrap Datepicker

Currently, I am utilizing the Bootstrap Date picker plugin from . In their example, they showcase a grid-style format with spacing between the months and years that appears quite visually appealing.

However, when implementing their JavaScript and CSS files, the months and years are displayed together without any spacing. Please refer to the images below for clarification:

I'm wondering if there are any specific options or settings that need to be adjusted in order for the formatting to display correctly.

Thank you,


Answer №1

Ensure to verify for any potential JavaScript errors in your console. It is possible that there may be another issue within your script causing the datepicker to malfunction. If no errors are found, double-check that both Bootstrap's JS and CSS files are being loaded properly.

Answer №2

In the year 2021, I am facing a similar issue with Bootstrap 5 and Datapicker version 1.9

To tackle this problem, I included a style directive in either the CSS file or directly on the page. The years and decades are enclosed within a span, which is nested inside a table row that resides within a div (not exactly following the "bootstrap mindset", but considering the datepicker may be older than the core Boostrap framework...).

    div.datepicker-years span{
         margin-left: 5px; 
         margin-right: 5px; 

Feel free to adjust the directive as per your requirements (this example specifically targets the year screen).

Answer №3

To implement the functionality, insert this code snippet into your web page. If your input field is named dob, use id="date" type="text":

    var date_input=$('input[name="dob"]'); 
    var container=$('.bootstrap-iso form').length>0 ? $('.bootstrap-iso form').parent() : "body";
        format: 'dd/mm/yyyy',
        container: container,
        todayHighlight: true,
        autoclose: true,

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