Space within a series of photographs

Looking for some assistance:

I am trying to maintain a consistent margin of 10px between posts and between photos in a photoset. However, when a post is a photoset, the margins of the bottom photo and the overall post add up to 20px.

I want to retain the post margin for videos, text, etc.

You can see the issue on this page:

The first image on the page is a single image (but it could also be a video). You'll notice the 'double margin' compared to the following photoset.

Here's the code snippet:

.post {margin-bottom: 10px; width: 500px; font-size: {text:text size}px; width: 500px;}

.post img {width: 500px; margin-bottom: 10px;}

And here's the body code:

<div class="post" align="center">
<img src="{PhotoURL-500}" alt="{PhotoAlt}" />

<div class="post" align="center">
<img src="{PhotoURL-500}" alt="{PhotoAlt}"/>

I've tried various solutions but they only make the margins worse. Appreciate any help you can offer. Thanks.

Answer №1

give this a shot

.post img {
    width: 500px;
    margin-top: 10px;
.post img:first-child {
    margin-top: 0px;

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