Smooth transition back to the initial state

I recently implemented a CSS3 transition on a <div> element that is meant to toggle when clicked. I successfully achieved the desired transition on even clicks using jQuery's .toggleClass method, but I am struggling with smoothly reverting back to the original state on odd clicks.

Essentially, I am looking to have the <div> rotate back to its normal position and smoothly return to its original coordinates (using the top property) on odd click events, mirroring the smoothness of the animation on even clicks.

You can view a live demo in this FIDDLE

Here is my code :




  div {
div.anim {
    -webkit-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1000, 45deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 45deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 45deg);
    -o-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 45deg);
    transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1000, 45deg);
    -webkit-transition: top 0.5s ease-out, transform 0.5s ease-out 0.5s;
    -moz-transition: top 0.5s ease-out, transform 0.5s ease-out 0.5s;
    transition: top 0.5s ease-out, transform 0.5s ease-out 0.5s;
    -webkit-transition: top 0.5s ease-out, -webkit-transform 0.5s ease-out 0.5s;
    -moz-transition: top 0.5s ease-out, -webkit-transform 0.5s ease-out 0.25s;
    transition: top 0.5s ease-out, -webkit-transform 0.5s ease-out 0.25s;

JS :

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('div').click(function () {


Answer №1

Make sure to incorporate the transition within the base element. It appears you have duplicate transition declarations, so be cautious as the latter will take precedence over the former.

div {
    /* ... Other properties ...*/
    -webkit-transition: top 0.5s ease-out, -webkit-transform 0.5s ease-out 0.5s;
    -moz-transition: top 0.5s ease-out, -moz-transform 0.5s ease-out 0.25s;
    transition: top 0.5s ease-out, transform 0.5s ease-out 0.25s;

Check out the demo here

Answer №2

I discovered a clever way to reverse the animation:

Check out this FIDDLE

Here is the CSS code snippet:

div {
    -webkit-transition: top 0.5s ease-out 0.5s, -webkit-transform 0.5s ease-out;
    -moz-transition: top 0.5s ease-out 0.5s, -moz-transform 0.5s ease-out;
    transition: top 0.5s ease-out 0.5s, transform 0.5s ease-out;
div.anim {
    -webkit-transition: top 0.5s ease-out, -webkit-transform 0.5s ease-out 0.5s;
    -moz-transition: top 0.5s ease-out, -moz-transform 0.5s ease-out 0.25s;
    transition: top 0.5s ease-out, transform 0.5s ease-out 0.25s;

    -webkit-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1000, 45deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 45deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 45deg);
    -o-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 45deg);
    transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1000, 45deg);

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