Slideshow with Jquery featuring image transitions from left to right and elegant fade-in effects

I am trying to create a unique slideshow effect with 6 graphics. The first two graphics should slide from left to right, the third graphic should fade in and stick, and then the remaining graphics should slide from left to right. I have been able to implement individual effects in my slideshow code, but I am struggling to combine sliding and fading animations. How can I achieve this blend of effects? Below is the current code snippet:

<div id='slider_container'>
    <div id="slides">
        <img src='images/Team-Up-wTag_CMYK_Over-White.jpg' />
        <img src='images/Together-all-3-01.jpg' />
        <img src='images/One-Team-One-Focus-RESIZED.jpg' />
        <img src='images/Orlando_Seaworld_ExteriorSeaworldView.jpg' />
        <img src='images/DSC_1465.JPG' />
        <img src='images/DSC_1470.JPG' />

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    $(window).load(function() {
        var slideContainer = $('#slider_container'), slidesHolder = $(slideContainer).children(),  slideWidth = slideContainer.width(), slidePos = 0, slides = $(slidesHolder).children(), slideTotal = slides.length, currentSlide = 0, delay = 3000, slideTime = 800;

            'overflow': 'hidden',
            'position': 'relative'

            'position': 'absolute'

        for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
                'position': 'absolute',
                'top': '0',
                'left': slidePos + 'px'
            slidePos = slidePos + slideWidth;

        $(slidesHolder).css('width', slidePos + slideWidth);

            'left': slidePos  + 'px'

        function animate() {
                left: '-=' + slideWidth
            }, slideTime, function() {
                if (currentSlide < slideTotal - 1) {
                } else {
                        'left': 0
                    currentSlide = 0;

Answer №1

After spending some time on this task following your initial post, I believe I've managed to come up with a rough draft.

Among my numerous weaknesses, one that stands out is my struggle with the .animate function and understanding how animations can override each other. Fortunately, I was able to discover some useful code snippets HERE and tweak them to suit my needs.

You can view this FIDDLE showcasing the identical animation of four images.

On the other hand, this FIDDLE provides an option to stop a specific image by setting "distance = 0".

Javascript code snippet with "stop":

var $imgs = $('img');
var current = 0;
distance = 75;
function animate(element)
                      opacity: '1',
                      left: '+=' + distance
                      function() {
                                                     opacity: '0',
                                                     left: '+=' + distance
                                             if (current < $imgs.length-1)
                                                if (current == 1)
                                                  {distance = 0;}
                                                  {distance = 75;}

This experience taught me the importance of executing any complex animation manipulation within the final function call to avoid conflicts between animations.

A stimulating exercise indeed!

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