sliderLighter: keep the slider moving smoothly at a constant speed

I am currently utilizing lightSlider and I want to create a continuous sliding effect with consistent speed. I do not want any stops or pauses between the images, just a smooth and constant movement. Is it possible to achieve this using lightSlider? Or perhaps there is a better javascript library for sliders that can accomplish this?


  $(window).load(function() {
        easing: 'linear',
        cssEasing: 'ease',
        responsive : [
                settings: {
                settings: {

Answer №1

Include this snippet in your script to set the value of pause to 0. Hopefully, this resolves your issue.

     pause: 0

Answer №2

After some experimentation, I found that setting the pause and speed parameters to equal values resulted in a smooth continuous motion.


But interestingly, there were still glitches when implementing:


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