Simulating a mobile device screen size using an embedded iframe

Imagine this scenario: What if instead of adjusting the browser window size to showcase a responsive web design, we could load the site into an IFRAME with the dimensions of a mobile screen. Could this concept actually work?

Picture having an IFRAME like this:

<iframe src="something" id="viewPort"/>

You would load the responsive website into this IFRAME and allow users to test it by adjusting the width and height within their browser.

If this method is successful, it could be extremely beneficial for clients who are unfamiliar with different browsers.

Answer №1

Victory is mine! Here's a well-known resource that you can utilize or gain knowledge from.

Just to clarify, the iframe feature does indeed allow for adjustments in height and width, with its content reacting accordingly - meaning that @media functions as intended.

Answer №2

If you're looking to display content using the HTML iframe property with a specific width, you can utilize the seamless attribute. For example, to render content for an iPad with a width of 768 pixels and height of 1024 pixels, you would use the following code:

<iframe src="yourURL" seamless width="768" height="1024"></iframe>

In order to use this in XHTML documents where attribute minimization is not allowed, you must define it as

<iframe seamless="seamless">

UPDATE: Unfortunately, the seamless attribute has been removed according to w3schools, and modern browsers no longer support it.

Answer №3

Assuming there aren't any other complicating factors like the child deliberately inheriting CSS from the parent, your proposed solution should work.

Just like how Firefox's responsive design view is perfect for scenarios like the one you are describing:

Using it isn't too difficult, although it may be more complex than simply instructing your client to "click here".

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