Showing an array in tabular form using Angular

I have a single-element list that appears as shown below

view image of array and contents

My goal is to present the data in a table with headers for Author Name and Title. However, my current code displays all the titles in one row instead of creating separate rows for each Title and Author Name. How can I fix this issue?

See the table created using the code below

<table class='table table-striped' aria-labelledby="tableLabel" *ngIf="authorWithBooks">
      <th>Author Name</th>
    <tr *ngFor="let authorWithBook of authorWithBooks">
      <td>{{ authorWithBook.authorName }}</td>
      <td>{{ authorWithBook.bookNameList }}</td>

Answer №1

To efficiently display author and book title data, utilize two loops: one for each author and the second for each book title. The creation of tr elements will occur within the second loop, while the first loop can be enclosed in an <ng-container>.

Here is an example code snippet:

   <ng-container *ngFor="let authorWithBook of authorWithBooks">
    <tr *ngFor="let bookName of authorWithBook.bookNameList">
      <td>{{ authorWithBook.authorName }}</td>
      <td>{{ bookName }}</td>

Refer to this functioning StackBlitz link for a live demonstration.

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