Showing a hidden div after an unsuccessful AJAX call

Encountering an issue with displaying a div notification using the code snippet below:

    url: url,
    cache: false,  
    async: false,
    success: function (data) 
        response = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
    error: function(){
        showAlert('contentContainer', { type: 'danger', title: 'Error', text: 'Connection Failed' });

The problem is that even when the server is down, the div remains hidden. However, the showAlert() method works fine in other instances where there is no network error.

function showAlert(parentDiv, options) {
    $alertDiv = $('<div></div>')
        ... // Rest of the function as-is


<p>Console Output:</p>

<pre><code>Failed to load resource           
  send                                      jquery-3.1.0.min.js:4
  r.extend.ajax                             jquery-3.1.0.min.js:4
  getFromDatabase                           utils.js:251
  (anonymous function)                      (index):39
  r.event.dispatch                          jquery-3.1.0.min.js:3

Any insights on what might be causing this?

Appreciate any help on this!

Answer №1

After much thought, I have finally come across a resolution to the issue at hand.

The cause of this unexpected behavior remains unknown to me.

$alertDiv = $('<div style="display: block !important"></div>')

This snippet of code has proven effective in solving my problem. Grateful for your assistance!

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