showcasing a set of div elements by using forward and backward buttons

I am dealing with 5 divs that have text content inside.

To navigate through each div, I have implemented a back and next button system.

<a href="" class="back-btn off">Back</a> | <a href="" class="next-btn">Next</a>

<div class="vote-result first">
  This is an example text

<div class="vote-result">
  Here is some more text

<div class="vote-result">
  More text to read

<div class="vote-result">
  This is the final section of text

// Hiding all divs except for the first one initially.

.vote-result { display: none; }
.vote-result.first { display: block; }

On the first click of the next button, I want to remove the 'off' class to make it clickable. Initially, the link should be disabled and later re-enabled.


When the last div is reached, I need to add the 'off' class to the next-btn to disable it.

Although I considered using a carousel JavaScript plugin for this functionality, I feel it's unnecessary at the moment.

I have thought about a solution involving sub-classes for the links based on which button was clicked (back or next), to determine which div should be displayed next and manage the state of the buttons accordingly.

I would like to find a way to incorporate additional divs without having to modify the existing code. Any suggestions are welcome, thank you.

Answer №1

Here is a solution tailored just for you. Feel free to check out the Fiddle I created based on your requirements.

Below are snippets of code:

<a class="back-btn off">Back</a> | <a class="next-btn">Next</a>

<div class="vote-result first selectedDiv">
  this is an example snippet

<div class="vote-result">
  more content here

<div class="vote-result">
  additional copy goes here

<div class="vote-result last">
  this marks the final section

For JS/jQuery functionality, refer to the following code:

    var prevElement=$('.selectedDiv').prev();;


    var nextElement= $('.selectedDiv').next();;

The CSS code snippet is as follows:

.vote-result { display: none; }
.vote-result.first { display: block; }

Answer №2

Your New HTML Code:

            .vote-result { display: none; }
            .vote-result.first { display: block; }
            .off {
                color: Red;
            a {
                color: blue;
        <script src="//"></script>
        <script src="code.js"></script>
        <a href="" class="back-btn off">Back</a> | <a href="" class="next-btn">Next</a>

        <div class="vote-result first">
          This is an example of text

        <div class="vote-result">
          This is some additional text content

        <div class="vote-result">
          More text content goes here

        <div class="vote-result">
          This is the final div block

Update to your "code.js" file in the same directory:

 * The current index (starting from zero) of the displayed <div class="vote-result"> element
 * @var {Number}
var activeIndex = 0;

function getNumberOfItems() {
    return $('.vote-result').length;

function synchronizeInterface() {
    var numberOfItems = getNumberOfItems(),
        lastIndex = numberOfItems - 1;

    $('.vote-result').each(function(index) {
        if (index == activeIndex) {

    $('.back-btn').toggleClass('off', activeIndex == 0);
    $('.next-btn').toggleClass('off', activeIndex == lastIndex);

$(function() {
    $('.back-btn,.next-btn').on('click', function() {
        // Check if the clicked button is enabled
        if (!$(this).hasClass('off')) {
            // Determine if "Next" or "Back" button was clicked
            var clickedNext = $(this).hasClass('next-btn');

            // Update the active index based on button clicked
            activeIndex = clickedNext
                ? Math.min(activeIndex + 1, getNumberOfItems() - 1)
                : activeIndex = Math.max(0, activeIndex - 1);

            // Update the interface with new variables

        return false;

Note: There was an issue with a missing double-quote in one of your class attributes in HTML code. Additionally, I added more styling and suggested renaming ".first" class to ".active".

Answer №3

Explore the capabilities of jQuery's .next() method for easy navigation - jQuery - Next(). You can also use this simple check to determine if an element is the last one in a sequence.


Make sure to apply this logic whenever a navigation button is clicked, including handling the first button accordingly.

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