Show variously colored information for each selection from the dropdown using Angular Material

I am trying to change the color of displayed content based on user selection in an Angular application. Specifically, when a user chooses an option from a dropdown list, I want the displayed text to reflect their choice by changing colors. For example, if the user selects "Confirmed" from the dropdown, the text should display in green. If they select "Not Confirmed", the text should be red. And if they choose "Confirmed and Shipped", the text should appear yellow. I have been struggling to implement this functionality as I am new to Angular. Any guidance on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.

  <mat-select placeholder="Status" [formControl]="statusTypeFilter">
    <mat-option value="1">Confirmed</mat-option>
    <mat-option value="2">Not Confirmed</mat-option>
    <mat-option value="3">Confirmed and Shipped</mat-option>

<div class="table-container mat-elevation-z8">
  <table mat-table [dataSource]="ItemConfirmationList" multiTemplateDataRows matSort matSortActive="no">
    <ng-container matColumnDef="StatusName">
      <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef mat-sort- header>Status</th>
      <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element">{{element.StatusName }}</td>

Answer №1

Here are a few steps I took:

  • We saved the selected value from the dropdown in a variable.
  • For each row in our table, we compared the status to this variable and if there was a match, we applied the appropriate class.

Here is the appropriate HTML:

    <mat-select [(value)]="selected">
        <mat-option *ngFor="let food of foods" [value]="food.value">
<!-- <p>You selected: {{selected}}</p> -->
                <td> Item </td>
                <td> Status </td>
            <ng-container *ngFor='let pickedItem of sampleItems; let idx = index'>
                <tr [ngClass]="setColor(pickedItem.status, idx)">
                    <td> {{pickedItem.item}}</td>
                        <span *ngIf='pickedItem.status == 1'> Confirmed </span>
            <span *ngIf='pickedItem.status == 2'> Not Confirmed </span>
            <span *ngIf='pickedItem.status == 3'> Confirmed and Shipped </span>

Here is the appropriate TypeScript function:

setColor(statusVal, idx){
  let returnedClass:string ='defaultClass';
  (statusVal == this.selected && statusVal ===1) ? returnedClass = 'confirmedClass' : 'defaultClass';
  (statusVal == this.selected && statusVal ===2) ? returnedClass = 'notConfirmedClass' : 'defaultClass';
  (statusVal == this.selected && statusVal ===3) ? returnedClass = 'shippedClass' : 'defaultClass';
  return returnedClass;

Here is the appropriate CSS:

.confirmedClass { color:green;}
.notConfirmedClass { color:red;}
.shippedClass { color:orange;}
.defaultClass { color:#000;}

Check out the complete example on StackBlitz

Answer №2

It is recommended to create 3 distinct CSS styles, each tailored for a different status.

CSS Styles

.confirmed {
  color: green;
.not-confirmed {
  color: red

Subsequently, incorporate the use of [ngClass] in your template to implement the CSS styles accordingly:

<td [ngClass]="{ 'confirmed': status === 'Confirmed', 'not-confirmed': status === 'Not Confirmed', 'confirm-shipped': status === 'Confirmed and Shipped' }"
 mat-cell *matCellDef="let element">

Note: It is assumed that the value selected from the dropdown menu is stored in the variable status.

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