Change the hover effects on the desktop to be more mobile-friendly

In my desktop version, I have implemented some code that enables hovering over a button to display additional information or text. How can I modify this for mobile so that nothing happens when the button is tapped on?

.credit:hover .credit-text,
  .credit-ba:hover .credit-text {
     display: block;

Instead of the hover effect, I would like to use JavaScript to make the icon clickable - toggling between hiding and showing the content upon clicking the icon. The issue with the hover click on mobile devices is that users have difficulty closing the tab by clicking around the screen instead of the button/icon itself.

.hideElement {
         display: none;

Below is the JavaScript code:

const creditIcon = document.querySelector('.credit-icon');
const creditText = document.querySelector('.credit-text');

let creditOpen = false;
   creditIcon.addEventListener('click', () => { = "block";
      creditOpen = processMenu.classList.contains('hideElement')

The corresponding HTML code:

<div class="credit black-text">
               <button class="credit-icon"> (...)
               <div class="credit-text hideElement">
                     Thank you
                     to my team of helpers
                     and the following
                     Handmade Staples Details produced by Mary Chan
                     <br>Knitwear produced by Elaine Lip
                     <br>Shoes Handcrafted by Doyeon Ji
                     <br>Soundtrack composed by Zacharias Wolfe
                     Look Book
                     <br>Photographed by Dean Hoy
                     <br>Make Up by Ana Takahashi
                     <br>Hair by L’Oréal Professionnel
                     <br>Make Up by MAC Cosmetics
                     Supported by ThreeUK
                     <br>Jina Yoo
                     <br>Aaron Wong
                     <br>Reign Charbit
                     <br>Karen Reichelt
                     <br>Harrison Chan
                     <br>Jessica Chen
                     <br>Kristianna Peel
                     <br>Trinity Mcintosh
                     Special thanks to Lane Crawford
                     and the MAFCSM team</p>

Answer №1

Check out this media query suggestion

@media not all and (pointer: coarse) {
.credit:hover .credit-text,
  .credit-ba:hover .credit-text {
     display: block;

const creditIcon = document.querySelector('.credit-icon');
const creditText = document.querySelector('.credit-text');

let creditOpen = false;
   creditIcon.addEventListener('click', () => { = "block";
      creditOpen = processMenu.classList.contains('hideElement')
@media not all and (pointer: coarse) {
.credit:hover .credit-text,
  .credit-ba:hover .credit-text {
     display: block;
  .hideElement {
         display: none;
<div class="credit black-text">
               <button class="credit-icon"> (...)
               <div class="credit-text hideElement">
                     A huge thank you
                     to my amazing team
                     as well as our talented
                     Handmade Staples Details produced by Mary Chan
                     <br>Knitwear produced by Elaine Lip
                     <br>Shoes Handcrafted by Doyeon Ji
                     <br>Soundtrack composed by Zacharias Wolfe
                     Look Book
                     <br>Photographed by Dean Hoy
                     <br>Make Up by Ana Takahashi
                     <br>Hair by L’Oréal Professionnel
                     <br>Make Up by MAC Cosmetics
                     Supported by ThreeUK
                     <br>Jina Yoo
                     <br>Aaron Wong
                     <br>Reign Charbit
                     <br>Karen Reichelt
                     <br>Harrison Chan
                     <br>Jessica Chen
                     <br>Kristianna Peel
                     <br>Trinity Mcintosh
                     Special thanks to Lane Crawford
                     and the MAFCSM team</p>

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