Show the exact file name for the CSS file being generated by grunt-contrib-compass

I need help specifying the output name of the CSS file in my grunt-contrib-compass task. Currently, it outputs as index.css.

Current Output <%= %>/specialdir/themes/index.css

Desired Output <%= %>/specialdir/themes/my-theme.css


compass : {
  // specialjob here
  specialjob : {
    options : {
      sassDir : '<%= %>/specialdir/my-theme',
      cssDir : '<%= %>/specialdir/themes', // target folder for output
      relativeAssets : false,
      assetCacheBuster : false,
      raw : 'Sass::Script::Number.precision = 10\n'
    dist : {
      options : {
        generatedImagesDir : '<%= %>/specialdir/images/generated'
    server : {
      options : {
        sourcemap : true

Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

Answer №1

To generate the my-theme.css file, it is important to rename your source file as my-theme.scss. After reviewing the source code here, it appears that this is the default setting for the process.

Wishing you success in your coding endeavors!

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