Show HTML code inside a text box

I have a text box that I populate with data from a Json response like this:

 <div class="gadget-body" style="height:100px">
    <label>{{ textData}}</label>

Now, the Json response contains HTML code with <p> and <h1> tags. When I bind the response, it displays with the <p> and <h1> tags visible instead of being applied.

Answer №1

An efficient method is to utilize the innerHTML tag

<div class="widget-content" >
    <div [innerHTML]="contentData">

Answer №2

One possible solution could involve creating a function similar to the following:

function convertHtmlToText(input) {
  return input ? String(input).replace(/<[^>]+>/gm, '') : '';

You can then utilize this function like so:

<div class="content-area" style="width:300px">
    <p>{{ convertHtmlToText(userData) }}</p>

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