Show a pop-up when hovering over each row of a Material UI table and address the problem with the box

Working on a react app using React v18.2 and Material UI V5, I successfully created a table with MUI Table component where I want to display a popover for each row when hovered over.

To achieve this, I added a simple popover component to the last cell of each row, along with a slide-in animation. However, the issue arises when the animation causes a horizontal scroll bar to appear in the table.

How can I remove this unwanted scroll bar?

Here is a link to my code sandbox: codesandbox

Additionally, I have another question regarding adding box shadows to the left and right sides of every table row. Currently, the box shadow only appears at the top and bottom of each row. How can I extend it to the sides as well?

Answer №1

Regarding the initial query:

To address the horizontal scrollbar, it is advisable to implement an overflow hidden property (either overflow-x or overflow-y):

<Table sx={{ minWidth: 650, overflow: "hidden" }} aria-label="simple table">

For the subsequent inquiry, a solution like this could be helpful:

Please limit each submission to one question only.

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