Show a picture outside of the dropdown container

I'm currently navigating the world of web development and I'm facing a challenge with getting an image to display outside of a dropdown div. Despite numerous attempts at setting the image's position to relative, with overflow-visible, I haven't been successful. In this project, I'm utilizing tailwindcss and alpinejs.

This is the code for the trade dropdown:

<!-- Trade -->
  class="hidden md:flex sm:ml-6"
  x-data="{ tradeOpen: false }"
... (content continues)

And here is the code for the image within its surrounding divs:

<!-- Collapsible Warning -->
<div class="w-full my-4">
   <div x-data={show:true} class="rounded-sm">
      <div :class="{'border-b-0': show}" class="flex flex-row justify-between px-10 py-4 bg-gray-100 border align-center" id="headingOne">
         <div class="flex items-center mx-auto">
            <h4 class="mb-0">Complete your Exchange Account setup</h4>
         <button @click="show=!show" class="focus:outline-none" type="button">
... (content continues)

Answer №1

To ensure the dropdown menu always remains at the forefront, consider applying a CSS position and z-index to it.

Answer №2

After much trial and error, I was able to fix the issue by applying position: relative and z-index:0 to the image's div, and setting a z-index of 10 on the dropdown menu.

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