Adding Custom CSS File to an iFrame in Angular

Currently, I am attempting to include a CSS file in a third-party iframe to modify its styling.

My initial idea was to employ the following code snippet:

ngOnInit() {



Unfortunately, it seems that this approach is not functioning as expected, and the reason remains elusive to me.

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly valued. Thank you!


Answer №1

If you're dealing with an Iframe that is not from a different domain, this clever workaround should do the trick and help you avoid any cross-browser errors. Template

<iframe #myIframe></iframe>


@ViewChild('myIframe') public myIframe;
ngAfterViewInit() {
  const iframDoc = this.myIframe.nativeElement.contentWindow.document;

Answer №2

After realizing that injecting code was not an option, I took a different approach by overriding the CSS in the SCSS file responsible for that specific page.

There were instances where I had to utilize the entire inheritance chain to achieve the desired behavior for a field.

Special thanks to @SuhelKhan for your valuable input!

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