Show a div using CSS when hovering over a different div with a separate parent element

I am attempting to modify a display property upon hovering over another div.

.pc-hover {
  display: none;
.pc-content-image img:hover + .pc-hover {
  display: block;
<div class="profile-content">
  <div class="pc-hover">{hover}</div>
  <div class="pc-header">{head}</div>
  <div class="pc-content">
    <div class="pc-content-image">
      <img src="" alt="placeholder" />
    <div class="pc-content-text">

Initially, the pc-hover element remains hidden until the mouse hovers over the image within the pc-content-image div. However, nothing occurs when I hover over the image.

I have looked into resources like Using only CSS, show div on hover over another element, but I am unsure how to implement it.

I have tried using both + and ~, but with no success.

Is there a method to accomplish this? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Answer №1

There are a couple of issues to address:

  1. The adjacent sibling operator (+) will only be effective if the sibling element appears after the hovered element in the HTML source. To resolve this, I rearranged the elements so that the image div comes below the other div in my example.

  2. Currently, you are applying the hover event to the img element which is nested inside a div. Since this image does not have any adjacent siblings, your CSS won't take effect. To make it work, we need to listen for the hover on the parent div.pc-content, as it is actually the adjacent sibling of div.pc-hover.

If there isn't a "preceding sibling operator" in CSS, you may need to utilize flex and apply flex-direction: column-reverse (for instance) to position the hidden div correctly below the image in the source but above it in the output.

.pc-hover {
  display: none;

.pc-content-image img:hover {       
  cursor: pointer;
  border: 1px solid red;

.pc-content-image:hover + .pc-hover {
  display: block;
  height: 10rem;
  background: red;
  margin-bottom: 1rem;
<div class="profile-content">
  <div class="pc-header">{head}</div>
  <div class="pc-content">
    <div class="pc-content-image">
      <img src="" alt="placeholder" />
   <div class="pc-hover">{hover}</div>
    <div class="pc-content-text">

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