Should position: absolute; be utilized in development?

I am just starting out in web development

Would it be a good idea to utilize position: absolute; for controls?

If not, can you explain why?

Answer №1

position: absolute; is a styling property in CSS. It is not related to C# or Asp.Net. The decision to use it depends on the specific design requirements of the website being created.

Answer №2

For those who crave complete control over the placement of their controls on the screen, go ahead and take the plunge.

Many individuals opt for a combination of display: absolute; along with various positioning techniques to achieve their desired layout.

It's important to note that ASP.NET is not directly related to this matter (although Visual Studio may default to absolute positioning in its WYSIWYG Editor). The key remains consistent across all WYSIWYG editors...hand-code your markup.

Answer №3

Every control in .net comes with an html markup, and if you need to change the positions within the markup, you may have to use position:absolute or relative.

For example, let's say you have an ascx control which contains divs:

<div id="parentdiv">  // parent div

<div id="childidv">  // child div 


In the above scenario, if you want the child div to always be at the bottom of the parent div, you would set the child div as absolute position and the parent div as relative position.

This is how positions are utilized in ...html markup in

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