Shifting and implementing various styles across numerous elements at the same time

There is an anchor tag containing two spans...

<a class="banner-logo" href="/search"><span id="banner-logo-hello">Hello</span><span id="banner-logo-world">World</span></a>

When hovering over the anchor tag, I want to change the color of both span texts simultaneously, each with a different color. Currently, only one span transitions at a time. How can I ensure that both spans transition together when hovered, regardless of which span inside the anchor tag is being hovered on?

#banner-logo-hello:focus {
  color: red;
  transition: 0.5s;

#banner-logo-world:focus {
  color: yellow;
  transition: 0.5s;

Answer №1

Designate a:hover #span-id-name {} to style both spans accordingly

a:hover #banner-logo-hello {
  color: blue;

a:hover #banner-logo-world {
  color: green;
<a class="banner-logo" href="/about"><span id="banner-logo-hello">Greetings</span><span id="banner-logo-world">Universe</span></a>

You can also apply styles using :nth-child, as well as variations such as :first-child or :last-child or :nth-of-type

a:hover span:last-child {
  color: purple;

a:hover span:first-child {
  color: pink;
<a class="banner-logo" href="/about"><span id="banner-logo-hello">Greetings</span><span id="banner-logo-world">Universe</span></a>

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