Develop a Vue component for a fixed sidebar navigation

I am in need of a vertical navigation bar positioned to the left of my app's layout, with the content extending across the right side. However, I am currently facing an issue where the navbar is pushing all the content downwards. How can I resolve this problem?

Below is the template code for my App.vue:

    <div id="app">
                <v-container class="main-container">

The navbar component is using Vuetify, specifically the mini variant navbar. Here is how it currently appears:

        <!-- Navbar content here -->

<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Prop, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';

export default class Navbar extends Vue {
    private value: string = 'home';
    private drawer: boolean = true;
    private items: Array<Object> = [
        { title: 'Home', icon: 'mdi-home-city' },
        { title: 'My Account', icon: 'mdi-account' },
        { title: 'Users', icon: 'mdi-account-group-outline' }
    private mini: boolean = true;

However, the current setup is causing the navbar to push down all content as shown in the image below:

I want the navbar to be vertical without affecting the positioning of the other content. Essentially, I am looking to implement a side navigation on the left side of my app.

Answer ā„–1

Enclose the navbar and main content within a <v-row>:

  <div id="app">
          <v-container class="main-container">

The v-app component normally has an inner wrapper with CSS property flex-direction: column, which arranges its children vertically. By placing these two child elements within a v-row, you change their layout to be arranged horizontally using flex-direction: row.

Answer ā„–2

It seems there may be some confusion with the concepts here. Placing a v-navigation-drawer inside a navbar component is not quite correct.

In the world of Vuetify, the v-navigation-drawer component is specifically designed for creating Sidebars, which explains why your content appears vertically oriented.

Instead, consider using the v-app-bar component for this purpose. You can refer to the documentation provided here:

Update 1

To set up an app sidebar or navbar correctly, you can utilize the app option within the component as shown below:


By following this pattern outlined in the official documentation, you can ensure proper functionality without any issues like content displacement.

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