ShadCn UI ResizablePanelGroup effortlessly grows within the available area without the need to set a specific height

I'm facing a CSS challenge with the ResizablePanelGroup component. My layout includes a header and a ResizablePanelGroup with 4 panels. The page should take up 100% of the viewport height, and I want other components to be placed within it. Once the Header is in place, the ResizablePanelGroup should automatically expand to fill the remaining available height without me having to specify a fixed height. Only the content inside the ResizablePanel should become scrollable when it exceeds the panel's space.

The current layout situation is as described above, and the red area should occupy the remaining height available.

import ChatNav from "@/components/chat/ChatNav";
"use client";
import Chat from "@/components/chat/Chat";

What I hope to achieve is for the ResizablePanelGroup to expand within the green space, with the inner panels becoming scrollable when needed due to limited space.

Answer №1

To begin, we can use the ResizablePanelGroup to fill the available vertical space. This can be achieved by implementing a vertical flex layout within the RootLayout component (assuming that no HTML is rendered by the UtilContext):

<div className="absolute  inset-4 flex flex-col">
    <Header />
    <div className="bg-red-500 min-h-0 grow"> {children}</div>

Next, in order to make each ResizablePanel vertically scrollable, you can apply overflow-y: auto !important or overflow-y: scroll !important using classes like !overflow-y-auto or !overflow-y-scroll respectively. The use of auto will show a scrollbar only when necessary, while scroll will always display a scrollbar. It is necessary to include the !important flag to override any inline styles such as overflow: hidden which may have been applied directly on the HTML elements.

<ResizablePanel defaultSize={50} className="!overflow-y-auto">

Check out a live demonstration of this setup in action on this StackBlitz project.

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