Exploring the differences between two CSS style attributes using JQuery

Can someone help me with a quick question about CSS? I need to compare two style attributes, specifically margin-left. If the margin-left is less than 500px, I don't want to make any changes. However, if it's greater than 500px, I want to add another 500px of margin.

Just in case you were wondering, this is for an image slider :)

I've attempted to solve it using jQuery:

$('.slider-nav .left').click(function(){
        if($('.slide li').css('margin-left') < '500px'){
            // Do Nothing
        } else {
            $('.slide li').animate({'margin-left': '-=500px'}, animationSpeed);

I know this code is not correct, but I'm struggling to find another solution. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Answer №1

To achieve your desired outcome, you can reverse the comparison operator as shown below:

$('.slider-nav .left').click(function(){
    if($('.slide li').css('margin-left') <= '500px'){
        $('.slide li').animate({'margin-left': '-=500px'}, animationSpeed);

Answer №2

Starting with the initial lines, here is a new addition:

    else {
        $('.slide li').css('margin-left', '500px');

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