Setting up sleep and selecting elements by CSS using cucumber, protractor, and TypeScript

My goal is to be able to interact with a user-provided CSS string using protractor, cucumber, and typescript. However, the code I have written does not seem to be effective in this scenario.

While element( works perfectly, element(by.css(x)) does not yield the desired result.

Below is an excerpt from Steps.ts:

import { Given, Then, When } from '
import {$, browser, by, element} from 'protractor';
import { FacebookPage } from '../../page_objects/pages/facebook/';
import { expect } from '../support/expect';

let page:

Then(/^waiting for (.*) seconds$/, function (wait): number {
    browser.sleep(wait * 1000); //works fine but could you please provide a better solution?


Then(/^clicking on button with ID (.*)$/, async function     (idOfElement){
        await element(;
        return true; //works perfectly

Then(/^clicking on button with CSS selector (.*)$/, async function     (idOfElement){
    return await element(by.css(idOfElement,)).click() //doesnt work at all

If needed, I can share the cucumber code and my protractor configuration, though I don't believe it's necessary at this point.

Error message: NoSuchElementError: No element found using locator: By(css selector, href="/messages/t/")

Another error message encountered: InvalidSelectorError: invalid selector: An invalid or illegal selector was specified

I am certain that there is a text with href="/messages/t/" present on the page

Answer №1

To choose and click on an element by its HREF using protractor, follow these steps:

Then(/^I click on a button with CSS code (.*)$/, async function (href) {
    const anchor = await element(by.css(`[href="${href}"]`));

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