Is there a way to change a class on an anchor element without disrupting its functionality?

The code snippet provided includes an anchor tag with classes for "window" and "less" applied. Is there a way to eliminate the anchor tag while still keeping the classes intact in the code, ensuring that the functionality remains unchanged?

Answer №1

It appears that the desired html structure is as follows:

 <div class="read-window-links">
    <span class="read-window window">

    <span class="read-window less hidden">

I have made changes to remove the a tags and added the appropriate a classes to the child span elements.

Your current css styling may not work due to matching based on DOM hierarchy rather than just class names. You can refer to this article for a detailed explanation. For example, in this code snippet:

.read-window-section .read-window-links .window .read-window p:after {
  content: url(down_arrow_icon.png);
  display: inline-block;

You are specifying styles for a p element that is nested within multiple elements with specific classes. If you change the DOM structure, your css selectors will need to be updated accordingly, like so:

<span class="read-window window">
.read-window-section .read-window-links p:after {
  content: url(down_arrow_icon.png);
  display: inline-block;

Note the absence of a space between .window and .read-window, indicating that it should match an element with both classes simultaneously.

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