Dynamically changing the borders of WebGL canvases: a guide to adding and

Here is my code snippet for creating an HTML canvas:

<canvas id="glCanvas" class="canvases" width="20" height="20></canvas>

To set the color, I am using the following:

gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

I am wondering if there is a way to dynamically add and remove borders when a specific condition is met during runtime. For example, adding a red border around the canvas when an if-statement is true, and removing it when the condition changes. Can this functionality be achieved using CSS, JavaScript, or WebGL?

Appreciate any guidance on this matter.

Answer №1

Your query isn't related to WebGL or canvases specifically. To add a border to any element, you can use the following code:

 someElement.style.border = "10px solid red";

To remove the border, you can do this:

 someElement.style.border = "none";

If you're working with canvas, it's recommended to wrap the canvas in a div like so:

<div id="border"><canvas id="glCanvas"></canvas></div>

Afterward, retrieve the div using:

 borderDiv = document.querySelector("#border");

Based on certain conditions, manipulate the code as shown at the beginning;

You can also accomplish this by adding and removing styles dynamically:

someElement.className = "styleWithBorder";
someElement.className = "styleWithoutBorder";

To apply multiple classes, simply separate them with spaces:

someElement.className = "style1 style2";

By using the provided script snippets above, you can easily manage borders and styles for your elements.

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