Setting the path to an image component using the style jsx tag in Next.js: A step-by-step guide

While utilizing jsx to define styles for my NextJs components, I am facing the challenge of defining a background image for certain elements.

I have realized that only relative paths or absolute paths are accepted. But how can I pass a relative path to the component itself?

Below is a simple component function I have created for testing purposes:

import React from 'react'

const  TestComponent = (props) => {
    return (
        <h1 className="test">See my background</h1>
        <style jsx>{`
        .test {
            background-image: url("someImageFile.jpg");
export default  TestComponent

However, this setup triggers a 404 error with the URL "localhost:3000/current page/someImageFile.jpg".

Answer №1

When creating a NextJS application, it's essential to have a dedicated public folder in the root directory of your project. This folder is where you should store all your static files, such as images.

If you're looking for detailed instructions on how to set up this folder correctly, check out the official documentation provided by NextJS:

Answer №2

To efficiently utilize the $ symbol for invoking the require function, follow this method:

<style jsx>{`
        background-image: url(${require("./someOtherImageFile.jpg")});

For more information, check out the official documentation.

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