Setting the height of the Angular UI modal relative to the height of the window

I am currently working on a modal that contains a significant amount of text. My main goal is to limit the height of the modal to the size of the window, while also adding a scrollbar to the content area positioned above the OK button.

Check out the Plunkr for more details.


Answer №1

Enhanced to utilize the window.innerHeight property and implement an attribute/directive named clientHeight. This directive accepts a numerical value, which is then used as a percentage to calculate the height of certain elements based on the window.innerHeight. It also adjusts the overflow-y property accordingly.

app.directive('clientHeight', function(){
  return {
    link:function(scope, iElem, iAttrs){
      iElem.css('height', window.innerHeight*iAttrs.clientHeight/100+'px')
      iElem.css('overflow-y', 'scroll')

It may be possible to achieve the same effect using CSS alone, perhaps with the use of "calc" or other methods. However, the JavaScript solution provided above works effectively as well.

Answer №2

CSS alone can handle this task without the use of JavaScript.

.content-container {
    max-height: 600px; /* customize based on your requirements */
    overflow-y: scroll;

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