Setting an ElementImpl property explicitly in EMF/GMF/Papyrus outside of the code

I am working with an EMF-model and its generated editor. In this model/editor, there is a connection between Element "Unit"(U) and "Specification"(S). My goal is to have a specific CSS style for S if at least one U satisfies S. Unfortunately, I have not found a way to achieve this using Selectors in a CSS Stylesheet for Papyrus.

To address this issue, I added a new Property for S called "Mapped" (which should be true when at least one U satisfies S, otherwise false). I attempted to set the "Mapped" property programmatically when connections were added like so:


However, I encountered an error:

IllegalstateException: Cannot modify resource set without a write transaction

An alternative approach resulted in a different Exception but had the same outcome:

ed.getCommandStack().execute(SetCommand.create(ed, notifier,
    xyzPackage.Literals.SPECIFICATION__MAPPED, true));

This also led to an exception:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot activate read/write 
    transaction in read-only transaction context

If anyone has insights on how to handle these Exceptions or has a clever workaround, I would greatly appreciate it. The ultimate objective is for the CSS file to detect changes in the "Mapped" property.

Thank you :)

Answer №1

Successfully resolved my issue:

The password appears to be asynchronous...

In order to effectively modify properties of EObjects, I had to implement the following changes:

public void SpecificationEditPart.handleNotification(Notification event)

    EObject eObject = (EObject)event.getNotifier();

    SpecificationImpl notifier = (SpecificationImpl)eObject;

    EList<Satisfy> satisfyRelationList = notifier.getIncoming();

    int satisfyRelationListSize = satisfyRelationList.size();

    TransactionalEditingDomain ted = (TransactionalEditingDomain)AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.getEditingDomainFor(eObject);

        ted.runExclusive(new Runnable()
            public void run ()
                Display display = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay();
                display.asyncExec(new Runnable()
                    public void run ()
                        ted.getCommandStack().execute(new SetCommand(this.ted, notifier, xxxPackage.Literals.SPECIFICATION__MAPPED, true));
    catch (InterruptedException e)

Answer №2

In order to modify an EMF, it is necessary to utilize the transactions API and execute changes using commands.

For more information on the API, check out this link: API Reference

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