Sending the servlet response back to the original JSP page

Is there a way to display the message "File uploaded successfully" on the upload.jsp page? The page retrieves session attributes, checks the user's department, and acknowledges users by displaying the name of their department. When users upload files and the servlet is called in the form action, it inserts data into a database and should show the success message on the same upload.jsp page. However, when I try to use request dispatcher for this purpose, I encounter a null pointer exception. Oddly enough, the code works perfectly fine when redirecting the message to a new jsp page instead. I have experimented with both include and forward methods without success. How can I get the servlet to properly redirect to the same jsp page ("/upload.jsp")? Assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

If you're looking for the most efficient method, consider submitting the form using ajax.
Check out this guide on submitting multipart form data with jQuery: How to submit multipart formdata using jquery

Another approach is to reload the upload page after form submission. If you're encountering a null pointer exception, it's likely that crucial information is missing. Implementing a 'post redirect get' strategy can prevent issues caused by browser refreshes. In Spring, utilize a spring redirect and ensure your message is included in the RedirectAttributes. Find more details here: examples

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