Send the customer to a new page following an account creation error during submission

Whenever the user clicks on the "create" label, I have set up a redirection to another page. However, an issue arises when I activate the code snippet below for the redirection:

  (function() {
    var REDIRECT_PATH = '/pages/become-a-partner-submit';

    var selector = '#create_customer, form[action$="/account"][method="post"]',
        $form = document.querySelectorAll(selector)[0];

    if ($form) {
      $redirect = document.createElement('input');
      $redirect.setAttribute('name', 'return_to');
      $redirect.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
      $redirect.value = REDIRECT_PATH;

The form error parameters do not seem to be functioning correctly. For instance, if the password field is empty and the user clicks on the "create" button, it still redirects to the specified path. Disabling the JavaScript code resolves this issue as it prohibits users from creating an account if essential fields are left empty. How can I maintain both the form error handling and redirecting the customer after successful account creation?

Below is my complete code:

<script src=""></script>

<div class="central py-medium" id="template">
  <div id="customer">
    <!-- Create Customer -->
    <div id="create-customer">
      <div class="template_header">
        <h1 class="h2 feature-header" data-cc-animate>{{ 'customer.register.title' | t }}</h1>


{% comment %}
  (function() {
    var REDIRECT_PATH = '/pages/become-a-partner-submit';

    var selector = '#create_customer, form[action$="/account"][method="post"]',
        $form = document.querySelectorAll(selector)[0];

    if ($form) {
      $redirect = document.createElement('input');
      $redirect.setAttribute('name', 'return_to');
      $redirect.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
      $redirect.value = REDIRECT_PATH;

{% endcomment %}

Answer №1


Below is the code to be included under the {% 'create_customer' %} form.

<div class ="errors"> </div>

Insert the script below and customize the URL as needed.

  jQuery(function() {
jQuery('#create_customer').submit(function(event) {
  var data = jQuery(this).serialize();

 //create new account'/account', data)
    var logErrors = jQuery(data).find('.errors').text();

    //display errors in the HTML form if there are any
    if (logErrors != "" && logErrors != 'undefined'){
        jQuery('#create_customer .errors').html(logErrors);
        jQuery('#create_customer .errors').show();

    //redirect to checkout page upon successful account creation
      document.location.href = 'CHANGE URL';
   return false;

Full code provided below:

    {% form 'create_customer'%}
      <div class ="errors"> </div>
      {{ form.errors | default_errors }}
      <div class="form">
        <div class="input-row" data-cc-animate data-cc-animate-delay="0.2s">
          <input aria-label="{{ 'customer.register.first_name' | t }}" placeholder="{{ 'customer.register.first_name' | t }}" type="text" value="" name="customer[first_name]" id="first_name" class="large" size="30" />

        <div class="input-row" data-cc-animate data-cc-animate-delay="0.35s">
          <input aria-label="{{ 'customer.register.last_name' | t }}" placeholder="{{ 'customer.register.last_name' | t }}" type="text" value="" name="customer[last_name]" id="last_name" class="large" size="30" />

        <div class="input-row" data-cc-animate data-cc-animate-delay="0.5s">
          <input aria-label="{{ '' | t }}" placeholder="{{ '' | t }}" type="email" value="" name="customer[email]" id="email" class="large" size="30" />

        <div class="input-row" data-cc-animate data-cc-animate-delay="0.65s">
          <input aria-label="{{ 'customer.register.password' | t }}" placeholder="{{ 'customer.register.password' | t }}" type="password" value="" name="customer[password]" id="password" class="large password" size="30" />

        <div class="wide-action">
          <input type="submit" value="{{ 'customer.register.submit' | t }}" data-cc-animate data-cc-animate-delay="0.8s"/>
          <a href="">
          <p style="padding-bottom:5px;">Back to Login Page</p>
          <span class="note" data-cc-animate data-cc-animate-delay="0.95s">
            <a data-cc-animate-click href="{{ routes.root_url }}">
              {{ 'customer.register.cancel' | t }}
      {% endform %}

  jQuery(function() {
jQuery('#create_customer').submit(function(event) {
  var data = jQuery(this).serialize();

 //create new account'/account', data)
    var logErrors = jQuery(data).find('.errors').text();

    //if there are errors show them in the html form
    if (logErrors != "" && logErrors != 'undefined'){
        jQuery('#create_customer .errors').html(logErrors);
        jQuery('#create_customer .errors').show();

    //if account creation is successful show checkout page
      document.location.href = '/pages/create-account-submit';
   return false;

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