Semantic-UI presents a trio of inline fields featuring a dropdown option

Looking to create three inline dropdowns that utilize all available space without stacking on mobile devices.

Here is the current RoR code being used:

<div class="three fields">

      <!-- birthdate day -->
      <div class="inline field">
        <%= select_day(nil, {prompt: 'Day', use_two_digit_numbers: true, field_name: 'birthdate_day', prefix: :user}, {class: 'ui fluid search dropdown'}) %>

      <!-- birthdate month -->
      <div class="inline field">
        <%= select_month(nil, {prompt: 'Month', field_name: 'birthdate_month', prefix: :user}, {class: 'ui fluid search dropdown'}) %>

      <!-- birthdate year -->
      <div class="inline field">
        <% min_year = - @sign_up_min_age %>
        <% max_year = - @sign_up_max_age %>
        <%= select_year(nil, {prompt: 'Year', start_year: min_year, end_year: max_year,
                        field_name: 'birthdate_year', prefix: :user}, {class: 'ui fluid search dropdown'}) %>

When using three fields, they take up all available space but stack on mobile. Changing to inline fields prevents stacking but does not fully occupy the space. A solution like three inline fields is desired.

After reviewing documentation and testing various combinations, no suitable solution has been found.

Thank you for your assistance.

Answer №1

How about using a uniform width grid layout instead of individual fields:

<div class="ui equal width grid">
  <div class="column">
    <!-- birthdate day -->
    <%= select_day(nil, {prompt: 'Day', use_two_digit_numbers: true, field_name: 'birthdate_day', prefix: :user}, {class: 'ui fluid search dropdown'}) %>
  <div class="column">
    <!-- birthdate month -->
    <%= select_month(nil, {prompt: 'Month', field_name: 'birthdate_month', prefix: :user}, {class: 'ui fluid search dropdown'}) %>
  <div class="column">
    <!-- birthdate year -->
    <% min_year = - @sign_up_min_age %>
    <% max_year = - @sign_up_max_age %>
    <%= select_year(nil, {prompt: 'Year', start_year: min_year, end_year: max_year, field_name: 'birthdate_year', prefix: :user}, {class: 'ui fluid search dropdown'}) %>

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