Selenium xpath string comparisons are unsuccessful despite the strings being identical

In my framework, I am using a combination of keyword-driven and data-driven approaches. The expected strings are retrieved from an Excel sheet while the actual strings are taken from the webpage. Interestingly, even when both variables print the exact same strings, the test script fails. It passes for strings without spaces like "Resign", but fails for strings with spaces like "Property Search". Below is the result which prints "PASS" until "Resign", after which it fails. Please ignore the numbers as they are used for debugging purposes. Additionally, the XPaths used in the result are included.

Result generated
By.xpath: html/body/div[2]/div/div[2]/ul/li[1]/ul/li[1]
Tool tip text present: Revals
1 By.xpath: html/body/div[2]/div/div[2]/ul/li[1]/ul/li[2]/a[contains(text(),'Managed Client Accounts')]
Tool tip text present: Managed Client Accounts
Managed Client Accounts
By.xpath: html/body/div[2]/div/div[2]/ul/li[1]/ul/li[3]
Tool tip text present: Resigns
... (additional results listed) ...

Here is the code:

public String verify_Text(String locatorType, String value, String data){
     By locator;
     locator = locatorValue(locatorType, value);
     WebElement element = driver.findElement(locator);

    // Get tooltip text
    String toolTipText = element.getText();
    System.out.println("Tool tip text present :- " + toolTipText);

    // Compare toll tip text

              return PASS;


   ... (rest of the method implementation) ...

catch(Exception e)
     LOG.error(Executor.currentSheet + ":" + e);
     getScreenshot("verify_Link", data);
     return FAIL;
  getScreenshot("verify_Link", data);
  return FAIL;


Answer №1

Successful line of code that resolved my issue


Upon using this code and debugging, I discovered that the data passed from the excel sheet contained spaces between two letters while the web element tooltip did not. This discrepancy was not visible when inspecting the element.

Before utilizing replaceAll("\s+","")

By.xpath: html/body/div[2]/div/div[2]/ul/li[1]/ul/li[5]/a Tool tip text present: ManageDashboard Manage Dashboard

After applying replaceAll("\s+","") and removing space from the data retrieved from the excel sheet

By.xpath: html/body/div[2]/div/div[2]/ul/li[1]/ul/li[5]/a Tool tip text present: ManageDashboard ManageDashboard

Answer №2

Unfortunately, my reputation score is not high enough to leave a comment, but I wanted to offer some suggestions:

One possible solution could be to trim the string, as there may be an invisible character causing an issue in one of the Strings.


Another option to consider is using normalize-space to eliminate tab, carriage return, and line feed characters.

/*/a[normalize-space() = 'Hello World']

Answer №3

At times, when extracting text from WebElements, they may contain unwanted leading or trailing spaces. To improve the comparison process, consider using:


If this method still doesn't provide the desired outcome, another approach is to eliminate all spaces from the strings before comparing them. Here's how you can do it:

toolTipText = toolTipText.trim().replaceAll("\\p{Z}", "");
data = data.trim().replaceAll("\\p{Z}", "");

By applying replaceAll in this way, a string like Outstanding AR would transform into OutstandingAR. While this may seem excessive, if it resolves the issue, it suggests that extra spaces in the string were causing the problem.

Answer №4

In my perspective, I believe your function is attempting to handle too many tasks and is unnecessarily complex for the straightforward task at hand. One potential issue could be your utilization of contentEquals() instead of equals().

Since you are working with Java, consider leveraging the JUnit library for handling various comparisons efficiently. By using this approach, you can simplify your code and employ snippets like the following:

String expectedTooltip = "some value from Excel";
By locator = By.cssSelector("#header > h1 a");
getScreenshot("verify_Link", expectedTooltip);
Assert.assertEquals("verify tooltip", expectedTooltip, getTooltip(locator));

Add a supporting function that directly retrieves the tooltip from the element identified by the given locator. It's best practice to avoid passing strings around and converting them to locators. The By class offers a more straightforward solution. Additionally, I included a .trim() method here to eliminate any extra spaces at the beginning or end of the string.

public String getTooltip(By locator)
    return driver.findElement(locator).getText().trim();

If you encounter challenges with string comparison discrepancies, it's possible that non-printable characters are present in some of these strings, requiring removal or substitution before performing comparisons. One technique to troubleshoot this is to iterate through each string, print the ASCII values for individual characters, and pinpoint where the deviations occur.

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