Selenium Webdriver is retrieving background colors with unexpected alpha values

When I need to retrieve the background-color of a WebElement, I typically use the following code:

string color = IWebElement.GetCssValue("background-color");

Selenium often returns something like this for the color value:

color = "rgba(153, 255, 255, 1)"

Upon inspecting the element using a tool such as firebug, I see #99FFFF without any transparency. The element appears to be fully opaque in both configuration and display.

This raises the question of where the alpha value "1" is derived from. My understanding suggests it should be "255" instead.

Answer №1

If the element is completely opaque, then the value is accurate.

The alpha channel of an RGBA color value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, with 1.0 indicating full opacity. It seems like the value you're receiving is correct based on this criteria.


It's worth noting that results may vary when testing across different browsers. Chrome, for example, might return RGBA values while IE could provide a standard RGB value along with a separate opacity value.

Answer №2

According to the documentation, this method may exhibit unpredictable behavior in a multi-browser setting.

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