Selenium RC: Utilizing the CSS :contains pseudo-class for Element Selection

I have a task to verify that the data in a table row matches my expectations for two different tables.

Let's look at an example using HTML:

        <th>Table 1</th>
        <td>Row 1 Col 1</td>
        <td>Row 1 Col 2</td>

        <th>Table 2</th>
        <td>Row 1 Col 1</td>
        <td>different data</td>

In this context, the following assertion passes successfully:

$this->assertElementPresent('css=table:contains(Table 1)');

However, this assertion does not pass as expected:

$this->assertElementPresent('css=table:contains(Table 1) tr:contains(Row 1 Col 1)');

Ultimately, I aim to validate that both columns within the table row contain the anticipated data:

$this->assertElementPresent('css=table:contains(Table 1) tr:contains(Row 1 Col 1):contains(Row 1 Col 2)');
$this->assertElementPresent('css=table:contains(Table 2) tr:contains(Row 1 Col 1):contains(different data)');

What could be causing these issues? How can I resolve them?


It seems like the issue could be related to a bug in Selenium when trying to select descendants.

To work around this problem, I had to add an extra identifier to the table so that it could be uniquely identified:

/* HTML */
<table id="table-1">

/* PHP */
$this->assertElementPresent("css=#table-1 tr:contains(Row 1 Col 1):contains(Row 1 Col 2)");

Answer №1

It seems like there is a glitch in the CSS selector library that Selenium uses. To work around this issue, you can try the following solution:

css=table:contains(Table 1) > tbody tr:contains(Row 1 Col 1)

You can find more information about this bug here:

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