Selecting CSS Properties with jQuery

I am trying to make an image change color to blue and also change the background color to blue when it is clicked inside a div. However, my code doesn't seem to be working as expected. Is there a more efficient way to apply CSS to elements?


var photo = $('#photo');
var html = $('html');
var bg = $('#bg');
$(photo).on('click', function(){
  $(html, bg).css({
    background :'blue'


<div id='bg'>
    <img id='photo' src="" alt="" />

Answer №1

Aside from the answer provided by Rohan Kumar, which is undoubtedly accurate, there exists a technique for merging jQuery selections: $.fn.add. This method allows you to input an HTML element, an array of elements, a jQuery selection, a jQuery selector, or an HTML string. You could utilize one of the jQuery objects you have created in this scenario:

In this instance, you could perform the selection using html.add(bg):

var photo = $('#photo');
var html = $('html');
var bg = $('#bg');
photo.on('click', function(){
    background :'blue'

Check out the demonstration on jsFiddle

Answer №2

When utilizing a photo as a jQuery object, there is no need to use a $ for the photo again. You can try implementing it like this:

var photo = '#photo';
var html = 'html';
var bg = '#bg';
$(photo).on('click', function(){
    $(html+','+ bg).css({
    // combine multiple selectors into one
        background :'blue'

For more information on using multiple selectors, you can refer to multiple-selectors.

Check out the Live Demo for a visual representation.

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