Customize Google Chrome to display a vibrant splash screen instead of a boring white blank page when

"I've been on the lookout for Chrome apps that can help make my screen darker or inverted to reduce eye strain. While I have found some apps that do the job, there's one thing they don't seem to be able to override - the White Blank page.

Whenever a new page is loading in Chrome, it first shows this bright white blank page before displaying the actual content of the website. Is there any way to change this default white page to black? It's quite jarring as every time I click on a link or open a new webpage, the screen transitions from a dark background (thanks to the app) to the white blank page and then back to a dark screen when the content loads. This sudden burst of white light is causing me more eye strain than relief. That's why I'm wondering if there's a solution to make that white page appear black instead."

This issue has been brought up before, but the suggested solutions didn't work with my current version of Chrome 49.0.2623.87 m.

Here are some of the links I've already checked:


-comment 261 here


I tried creating two files, manifest.json and script.js, in AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ and loading them as an unpacked extension, but even that didn't solve the issue.

Answer №1

Edit 2021-01-01

Try out the Brave browser as an alternative to Chrome for a change. Here's what you can do:

  • Get DarkReader extension
  • Navigate to Settings > Appearance > Brave colors > Dark
  • Create a new tab and click Customize on the new tab page for a dark appearance:

Why Choose Brave Over Chrome?

Brave, based on chromium, offers similar functionality to Chrome with added user privacy features and built-in Ad Blocking that's easily customizable while browsing. It has more benefits too!

If You Prefer Not to Use Brave:

Since April 2016, unresolved issues have lingered for over 8 years. It could help to show support by "starring" these reported problems if not done already.

Current Issues Highlighted:

Chromium Issue #1373 Chromium Issue #470669

These top two links are seeing some progress. Supporting them could draw more attention, allowing you to follow up through email alerts (unsubscribe anytime).

Report the Problem Directly:

Send feedback via Google Chrome this way:

  1. Launch Chrome and hit the menu at the top right corner
  2. Select Help > Report an issue.
  3. Add details similar to below:

An intermittent white flash plagues every new tab or page load causing discomfort.

Reference the Chromium issues mentioned above.

  1. Submit your comments

To keep tabs on potential fixes, consider trying out Chrome Canary. Experimental patches may debut there before anywhere else.

Inverting Computer Colors:

As a final attempt, experiment with color inversion and opt for the lightest theme in Chrome.

  • Inverting Colors Guide
  • Apple Discussions on Color Inversion

Find a white theme ideal for inversion here:

Minimal White Theme

Answer №2

Chrome-Beta shows noticeable improvement, while Chrome-Dev (chrome-unstable) performs even better, with minimal differences. Currently using Ubuntu-Cinnamon-Remix 21.04.

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