Select a row on a table to reveal additional information in the row directly underneath

I am presenting the following table:

Live Demo

<table class="table">
      <th width="150px">Value</th>
      <td div class='action'>flight leaves on 13:20<br>Take the train from ABC</td> 

along with some custom CSS styling

.action {
  display: none;

tr:hover .action {
  display: block;

Currently, when hovering over the airport name, a text appears inline like this:

The goal: When hovering over an airport name, detailed information should be displayed in a line below the airport taking up the entire space. For example, hovering over JFK should show:

Airport    Value
JFK        234

flight leaves on 13:20
Take the train from ABC

LAX        104

I initially tried using the display: block property, but it didn't align properly.

Answer №1

By using display: none/block, you can alter the layout of a table as the element's space is not allocated when it's not displayed among other tags. An alternative approach is to utilize visibility: collapse as suggested in the MDN documentation

The behavior of the collapse keyword varies for different elements:

For <table> rows, columns, column groups, and row groups, hiding the row(s) or column(s) eliminates their occupied space (similar to applying display: none). However, the dimensions of other rows and columns are recalculated as though the cells in the concealed row(s) or column(s) are present. This technique allows for quick elimination of a row or column without triggering a full table width and height recalculation.

Note the use of <td colspan="2"> ensures that the single td spans across both columns

tr.action {
visibility: collapse;
tr:hover + tr.action {
visibility: visible;
<table class="table">
      <th width="150px">Value</th>
    <tr class="action">
      <td colspan="2">flight leaves on 13:20 Take the train from ABC</td>

The transition between visibility: collapse/visible occurs instantly without any intermediate steps, making animation impossible. To achieve a smoother appearance upon hover, an alternate method could be to employ line-height: 0/1 and overflow: hidden instead

table {
  line-height: 1.2;
  border-collapse: collapse;
tr.action td {
  line-height: 0;
  overflow: hidden;
  padding-block: 0;
  transition: all 300ms;
tr:hover + tr.action td {
  padding-block: 1;
  line-height: 1.2; /*same as table line-height*/
      <td>hover me!</td>
    <tr class="action">
      <td>I'm showing up more smoothly</td>
      <td>next row</td>

Answer №2

To start, include a "+" in your CSS code like this;

.activity {
  display: none;
tr:hover + .activity {
  display: block;

Next, update your HTML structure as shown below;

<table class="table">
      <th width="150px">Population</th>
      <td>New York City</td> 
    <tr class="activity">
      <td>Explore Central Park and visit museums</td>
      <td>Los Angeles</td>

Feel free to test it out on this demonstration.

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