Seeking a window-adjustable table with stationary headers

I have been searching high and low for a solution to my issue but have come up empty-handed. My goal is to create a table with fixed headers that remain visible while scrolling through the rest of the table. The catch is, I also need it to align properly when the page window size changes. So far, I've managed to achieve either fixed headers or responsive columns, but not both at the same time. I've tried various scripts like fixedheadertable, jquery, flexigrid, fixed-header-coffee, chromatable, and floatyhead without success. It seems that no matter what I do with traditional table elements like thead and tbody, I can't get the desired outcome. I'd prefer not to split the table into two separate tables as they never seem to line up correctly, but if that's the only option available, I'll reluctantly give it a try.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this problem!

Answer №1

If you want to create a scrollable table, you can achieve this using basic HTML and CSS elements. To do this, make use of properties like display, overflow, and height in your CSS and utilize thead and tbody tags in your HTML. Here is an example of how you can style your table:

.customTable tbody {
    display: block;
    overflow-y: auto;
    width: 100%;
    height: 50px;
.customTable tr {
    display: block;
.customTable td, .customTable th {
    width: 50%;

Here is an example of how you can structure your HTML code:

<table class="customTable">
            <td>Item 1</td>
            <td>Description 1</td>
            <td>Item 2</td>
            <td>Description 2</td>
            <td>Item 3</td>
            <td>Description 3</td>

Answer №2

Give this solution a try, It is compatible with IE8, Firefox, and Chrome.

CSS Styling

    .Container { margin-left: 200px; background-color: green; overflow: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; height: 200px; }

    .BigTable { width: 100%; }
    /* More CSS classes */

HTML Table Markup

<div class="Header">
   <!-- Table headers content goes here -->

<div class="Container">
   <table class="BigTable">
       <tbody class="scrollContent">
           <tr class="normalRow">
              <td>Cell Content 1</td>
              <td>Cell Content 2</td>
              <td>Sep 16, 2007 01:54 AM</td>
           <tr class="alternateRow">
              <td>More Cell Content 1</td>
              <td>More Cell Content 2</td>
              <td>Sep 16, 2007 01:54 AM</td>
           <!-- Additional table rows -->


Additional CSS Snippet

#listBevel, #listTable {
    /* CSS styles for list elements */

/* More CSS declarations... */

Answer №3

Utilizing the concept of progressive enhancement, this solution is designed to ensure cross-browser compatibility with the help of jQuery.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var sizeColWidths = function() {
            // reset column widths (in case previously set)
            $('#fruitTable td, #fruitTable th').css('width', 'auto');
            $('#fruitTable tbody').css('width', 'auto');
            // record current column widths
            var i=0, colWidth=new Array();
            $('#fruitTable th').each(function() {
                colWidth[i++] = $(this).outerWidth();
            // freeze the current column widths
            $('#fruitTable tr').each(function() {
                var i=0;
                $('th, td', this).each(function() {
                    $(this).css('width', colWidth[i++] + 'px');
            // make the table body scroll (add tbody width for scroll bar)
            $('#fruitTable tbody').css('width', ($('#fruitTable thead').width() + 20) +'px');
        $(document).ready(function() {sizeColWidths()});
        $(window).resize(function() {sizeColWidths()});
    <style type="text/css">
        .scrollableTable tbody {
            display: block;
        .scrollableTable tr {
            display: block;
    <table id="fruitTable">

Answer №4

I revised the previous response from Nate Barr in order to address alignment issues that were causing congestion.

Here is the updated style sheet:

<style type="text/css>
.scrollableTable thead {
    display: block;
    //overflow-y: auto;
    width: 105%;
    height: 25px;
.scrollableTable tbody {
    display: block;
    overflow-y: auto;
    width: 105%;
    height: 200px;

Below is the modified table structure:

<table width="439" border="1" align="center" class="scrollableTable">
          <th width="20">No</th>
            <th width="140">Fruit</th>
          <th width="131">test</th>
          <th width="120">Color</th>
        ... (other table rows continue here) ...

Answer №5

Have you considered exploring jQuery DataTables? It may not be exactly what you're searching for, but it offers some useful features.

You can find more information about jQuery DataTables, including the "FixedHeader" feature, in the official documentation:

Here are a couple of examples of Fixed Header implementation in DataTables:

  1. Check out this example with two tables both featuring the FixedHeader functionality:

    "The following example shows two ... tables both with FixedHeader enabled on them. The footer is also fixed..."

  2. Another interesting example showcasing how FixedHeader can resemble a spreadsheet application:

    "This example shows how FixedHeader can be made to look more like a spreadsheet application."

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