Scrolling horizontally in ng-grid version 2.0.11

In my application, I am utilizing a ng-grid with auto height and width. The challenge arises when dynamically adding columns to the grid. If there are too many columns to display, instead of showing a horizontal scrollbar, the columns shrink in size and appear in a messy layout within the grid. Despite the grid's width remaining constant, all columns are resized to fit without an option for scrolling horizontally. Any insights on how to enable the horizontal scrollbar?

Edit: The initial query has been resolved to include a horizontal scrollbar. However, only some columns are visible initially. Upon scrolling right, the grid displays as empty beyond a certain point, indicating that the last few columns are not properly bound to ng-grid. Only the columns that can be displayed within the grid without scrolling are properly bound. Any suggestions for resolving this issue?

Note: I am using ng-grid version 2.0.11. Could this version be causing the problem?

Answer №1

To implement a horizontal scroll bar for additional columns in your ng-grid, include the columnDefs as shown below:

  $scope.gridOptions = {
    data: 'myData',

    columnDefs: [{ field: "<fieldname>", width: 120},
                { field: "<fieldname>", width: 120 },
                { field: "<fieldname>", width: 120 },
                { field: "<fieldname>", width: 120 }]

If the product of total columns and column width exceeds the width of the ng-grid table defined in the CSS, a horizontal scroll bar will be displayed.

In angularJS, the .gridStyle class is typically used for styling the ng-grid component.

For more information, visit: ng-grid

You may also refer to the Column pinning example here: columnDefs example with pinning

If no columnDefs are specified, the columns will attempt to adjust automatically to fit within the table width, resulting in condensed columns.

Answer №2

I encountered a similar problem and resolved it by taking the following actions:

Ensure that the width of each column is specified in pixels rather than percentage. Using % format for column widths may result in issues.

Update the ng-grid.css file to include the .ngviewport class with overflow:auto property. In my particular project, the .ngviewport class was missing the overflow property which contributed to the issue at hand.

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