Approach to decoupling design elements from DOM interactions

Seeking recommendations or guidelines for effectively segregating classes utilized for browser styling and DOM manipulation.

Specifically, we are developing a single-page app using backbone.js and heavily relying on jQuery for dynamically updating page elements (such as adding, hiding, and appending content). The main issue we are encountering stems from the dual use of the class attribute – it serves both for styling purposes and identifying elements for GUI functionality through jQuery. This creates complications when trying to modify styles as it is unclear which classes (or DOM elements) are essential for the underlying JavaScript application.

In simple terms, altering or removing a class on a tag without understanding its role in the JavaScript logic can disrupt the application. I am exploring solutions to distinguish these roles and keep classes for jQuery selectors separate from those used for CSS styling. I assume this is a common challenge with established solutions, given the prevalence of JavaScript-heavy web applications. Is there a standard approach to address this issue that I may be overlooking?

Answer №1

To optimize JavaScript logic, it is recommended not to rely solely on CSS classnames. Instead, HTML5 offers the option to create custom user-defined attributes for tags. Simply add the attribute with a "data-" prefix to the tag, like so:

<a href="#" data-role="link-to-author" data-value="John Doe">John Doe</a>

Starting from version 1.4.3, jQuery provides built-in methods to handle these attributes using the .data() function. More information can be found here:

If there is a need to use classnames as references in your application, consider establishing a specific convention:

Classnames that begin with the "js-" prefix are exclusively used by scripts to identify HTML elements, and should not be utilized for styling purposes. This approach allows for multiple classes on each element - some for styling, others for functionality:

<a href="#" class="author js-link-to-author">John Doe</a>

By following this convention, non-prefixed classes can be removed without issue, while retaining confidence that removing a prefixed class may have consequences.

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